Our work Animals in Aotearoa The cosmetics campaign
Animals in Need

Thank you, together we did it!

SAFE campaigned long and hard for a ban on cosmetics testing in New Zealand, and with your help we achieved a victory. In March 2015 the Government announced that a ban would become law; great news for animals.

The campaign gained momentum with thousands of people sending an e-card to Prime Minster John Key calling on him to support a ban on cosmetic testing on animals, and thousands more on the paper petition. National newspaper ads were taken out and SAFE enlisted the support of 28 NZ cosmetic firms keen to prove they did not need animal testing by asking the government for a ban. Actions and promotions were held.

Early 2015 we held a rally outside Parliament where, along with other groups, SAFE handed in 90,000 signatures calling for a ban. A poll we commissioned with Horizon research showed 89{a45acdedd74c9a504fc493a5338636f9a8e9f4c1cd9551367c9fc4ceb1a1fe5b} of the public oppose cosmetics testing.

The ban only applies to products made within New Zealand, it is not an import ban.

Until New Zealand joins the EU in banning imported cosmetics tested on animals too, it’s important to make sure you download the SAFEshopper app – an online consumer initiative that lists products not tested on animals available in New Zealand, so you can shop cruelty free.

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Help us continue helping animals in need

As a charity, SAFE is reliant on the support of caring people like you to carry out our valuable work. Every gift goes towards providing education, undertaking research and campaigning for the benefit of all animals. SAFE is a registered charity in New Zealand (CC 40428). Contributions of $5 or more are tax-deductible.