News Blog Articles “Conviction for ‘hip clamp’ cruelty case”

“Conviction for ‘hip clamp’ cruelty case”

February 27th, 2018

Animal advocacy organisations SAFE and Farmwatch say news of the  conviction of a dairy farmer who was recently fined $500 and ordered to  pay $500 costs following the now infamous case of the mistreatment of a  cow filmed suspended from a ‘hip clamp’ in 2015 sends a message that  cruel treatment will not be tolerated. While this is a step in the right  direction, there is still a lot more that needs to be done to prevent  cruelty happening in the first place. The footage was released as part  of SAFE and Farmwatch’s investigations into the treatment of animals in  the New Zealand dairy industry, and is the fifth prosecution to result  from footage filmed by Farmwatch volunteer investigators.


Farmwatch spokesperson John Darroch says, “We are pleased to see the  Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) taking these cruelty cases  seriously. However, prosecutions only go so far and act as a minimal  deterrent. More time, effort and funds need to be put into preventing  cruelty to vulnerable animals in the first place.”


The footage, filmed in the Waikato, was of a mother cow left suspended  by a ‘hip clamp’ from a tractor, whilst her dead calf lay metres away.  After some time, her front legs collapsed, but she remained hanging by  the hip clamp for 30 minutes, before the farmer arrived back. The cow  was then dragged away by the tractor, still attached to the hip clamp.  Cows may be unable to get up for a number of reasons. These ‘recumbent  cattle’ are sometimes supported or lifted up by hip clamps for limited  time periods. This is legal, however the cruel treatment of the cow in  the ‘hip clamp’ footage was found to contravene the law. The footage was  posted on SAFE’s Facebook page and went viral. It has since been viewed  over 22 million times, sparking outrage and vigorous debate  internationally.

This case follows on from cruelty convictions of two workers at Down Cow  Ltd slaughterhouse for severe mistreatment of calves. The  slaughterhouse owners are currently being prosecuted. In May 2017, a  farmer was also convicted of cruelty for dragging a newborn calf by the  hind leg along the ground for 40 metres, as the mother followed in  distress. These cases have all come about as a result of Farmwatch and  SAFE investigations and have led to a shift in public sentiment about  the New Zealand dairy industry.


Although SAFE is pleased to see MPI taking animal welfare cruelty cases  seriously, there are still several issues that need to be addressed.

 “It should not be up to volunteers and non-profits to expose issues of  animal cruelty. Without Farmwatch filming, these kinds of incidents go  completely unnoticed, and unpunished. SAFE is concerned that there are  likely many more animals suffering,” says Mandy Carter, SAFE campaigns  director.

The latest conviction announcement comes over two years after footage  was handed to MPI. SAFE says MPI has been woefully underfunded by the  previous government with far too few inspectors (around twelve) to cover  the geographically challenging locations of many of NZ’s farms. SAFE  says there should be more funding for enforcement of the Animal Welfare  Act and a separate unit tasked with animal welfare.


“There is a clear conflict of interest when the same ministry department  is tasked with both promoting the interests of industry and at the same  time, animal welfare,” says Ms Carter. “SAFE urges the new government  to urgently put in place a separate, independent animal welfare body.”


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