News Blog Articles Absurdity of NZ Pork comparison acted out before Parliament
Absurdity of NZ Pork comparison acted out before Parliament

Absurdity of NZ Pork comparison acted out before Parliament

October 25th, 2018

A woman was trapped in a cage on top of a hospital bed today outside Parliament, to draw attention to the ‘absurd’ comparison of farrowing crates to maternity wards. This demonstration was held after the Parliamentary Primary Production Select Committee had listened to submissions from SAFE and New Zealand Pork, in response to a 112,844 signature petition to end the use of farrowing crates for mother pigs.

It was the previous chair of New Zealand Pork, Ian Carter, who had claimed that farrowing crates, “created an environment very similar to a maternity hospital”.

SAFE’s Head of Campaigns, Marianne Macdonald, says it is a ridiculous and offensive comparison.

“Farrowing crates are used to imprison a mother pig for up to five weeks after she gives birth. She can barely stand and the effects on her physical and mental wellbeing are devastating. Considering this happens each time the sow gives birth, it’s like comparing a prison to a spa resort.”

“A poll earlier this year of over 1,000 New Zealanders showed 73% of people supported a ban on farrowing crates. This is not a contentious issue for New Zealanders – they agree that this is no way to treat a mother.”

SAFE submitted the petition in March and it was the largest received by Parliament in the last five years. It has since been considered by the Primary Production Select Committee which is now hearing oral submissions.

“At the vulnerable time she’s preparing to give birth, with no straw for bedding, she can only scrape her nose over the cold bare floor in an attempt to build a nest for her piglets. This appalling treatment needs to stop!”

“We want the demonstration to send a clear message to Government to ban farrowing crates now!”



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