News Blog Articles Old-fashioned messages for old-fashioned thinking

Old-fashioned messages for old-fashioned thinking

January 6th, 2017

New Zealanders don’t like hens being kept in  cages. We know that and you know that, but it seemed Countdown still  didn’t want to listen. It was time they REALLY understood, so caring  Kiwis decided to take their message to them in a slightly different way  and ask them to make cage eggs a thing of the past – via fax.

Thousands of people have been telling Countdown on their Facebook  page that they want them to stop selling cage eggs. They’ve been letting  Countdown know that keeping hens in cages is cruel, and they should  follow their Aussie owners, Woolworths and stop selling them here too.

Their customers have even taken the message to them in person outside their stores. SAFE and locals were outside the new Ponsonby store when it opened, with banners, billboards and even a plane flying  overhead towing the message “COUNTDOWN – STOP SELLING CAGE EGGS”. We’ve  also been at stores all over the country, receiving great public  support.

Kiwi kids are speaking out too. Countdown puts a lot of work into  making themselves popular with kids by running promos and giving away  collectibles. Maja Skilling, a passionate, caring 12-year-old, started a  petition to Countdown’s CEO that now has over 18,000 signatures. If you haven’t  signed it yet it’s not too late. Other compassionate youngsters have  gone as far as returning their collectibles in the hope it will make Countdown listen.


Faxing Countdown 

Faxing is old-school, and so is keeping hens in cages. It’s archaic, cruel thinking.

They’re stuck in the past. We thought maybe they would listen better  to messages sent using old-fashioned means. So we collected well over  100 of your messages, went old-school and faxed them all directly to  Countdown!

That’s right, well over 100 messages, all faxed to them over a week.  Thanks to everyone who sent in a comment. Together, we’re making sure  Countdown know it is time for cages to go. 

Take Action

We can’t stop now. Email Countdown too, today.


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