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Impact for animals for years to come

Animal Guardians

Animals have had an impact on your life. By remembering SAFE in your will, you can impact the lives of animals for years to come. It’s action you can take now to ensure a kinder, more compassionate world for future generations.

Create hope

When you remember SAFE in your will, you are giving animals a voice and putting hope for a better future into action. You are impacting the lives of millions of animals in New Zealand, by creating:

  • Historic legal change that ensures kinder treatment of animals
  • Government action on the cruel use of animals in entertainment
  • An end to barbaric practises such as battery cages and live export
  • Accountability from the animal agriculture sector
  • Education for children about kindness and compassion for animals, now and into the future.

Remember animals in your will

Animals have brought you joy in your lifetime and, like us, you believe animals deserve a life worth living. You believe that all animals deserve kindness, compassion, and fair treatment.

It is often thought that only wealthy people can leave a gift to a charity when they pass away. In fact, most legacy gifts to SAFE are made by ordinary, hardworking people just like you who want to continue to make a positive difference for animals after they have gone.

Once you’ve taken care of family and close friends, your gift for animals can be as little or as much as you want.

We recommend visiting your solicitor or trustee company for assistance. You may find the suggested text below useful:

I give to SAFE (Save Animals From Exploitation) Incorporated: the sum of (amount) OR (description of assets) OR (percentage of estate) OR (residue of estate) for the general purposes of SAFE Incorporated.

I declare that the receipt of the Secretary or other appropriate officers of SAFE Incorporated shall be sufficient discharge and release to my trustee(s).

To discuss leaving a gift in your will, please email Lyn.

If you have left a gift to SAFE in your will, get in touch and let us know so we can thank you!

Our promise to you – SAFE’s Animal Guardians

Your generosity represents guardianship of animals for years to come, and your foresight means animals will always have a voice. In remembering SAFE in your will you become part of our legacy society, the SAFE Animal Guardians. The SAFE Animal Guardians is our commitment to you that your gift will have a direct and enduring impact on the lives of New Zealand’s animals and that we will honour your memory with transparency, honesty, and accountability. We promise your love for animals will continue through meaningful, high-impact action.

As a member of SAFE Animal Guardians we will be in touch twice a year with an update on SAFE’s key projects and activities for animals.

“SAFE gives a voice to the voiceless. It throws light on human-induced animal suffering caused by practices that have no place in a civilised society. SAFE campaigns have yielded results: animal advocacy works. That is why I have left a gift to SAFE in my will.”

Patricia Callis
SAFE Animal Guardians Foundation Member

Donate today

Help us continue helping animals in need

As a charity, SAFE is reliant on the support of caring people like you to carry out our valuable work. Every gift goes towards providing education, undertaking research and campaigning for the benefit of all animals. SAFE is a registered charity in New Zealand (CC 40428). Contributions of $5 or more are tax-deductible.