Our work for animals must continue
March 27th, 2020In the wake of the global pandemic known as COVID-19, our work on behalf of animals is more important than ever – and it will continue.
As we work together as a country to mitigate the risk posed by this pandemic, undoubtedly many of our supporters have been impacted in some way. I want to take a moment to thank you, for standing by us in good times and bad, and to offer you my heartfelt wishes for your health and wellbeing, and also that of your loved ones. It is heartening to see the world come together in such an unprecedented way and to protect the welfare of everyone in society.
While experts are working to address the pandemic, we will continue our work on behalf of animals. In fact, it’s more important now than ever to raise these issues. Intensive farming, wildlife markets and associated trade are all proven causes of outbreaks of new diseases, including the most recent global pandemic, COVID-19.
Global disease outbreaks, like SARS, MERS, avian flu and swine flu, are all provided devastating examples of the interconnections between health, animal welfare and our food systems. In addition to the grave impacts of these diseases on public health, the systems that put us all at risk are also causing immense suffering to billions of animals every year.
It’s time to learn from the mistakes of the past. As a society, we need to change our relationship to animals. We all have a role to play in keeping our world beautiful and safe for those who call it home. In keeping with our new norm, we will be asking you to join us with some online advocacy on important issues facing animals in Aotearoa.
We can’t do this alone. Together, we can face these new challenges and work towards ending the tremendous suffering of farmed animals. They depend on us.
Thank you for everything you do for animals.
Stay safe!