News News Supporter Updates SAFE supporter update October 2024
SAFE supporter update October 2024

SAFE supporter update October 2024

October 25th, 2024

A Message from Debra Ashton, CEO of SAFE

As this year draws to a close, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to you for supporting SAFE throughout the past 12 months. This year has been filled with challenges, but together, we’ve made significant strides in advocating for the protection and positive change for animals across New Zealand.

From our ongoing campaign to end mud farming—a practice that forces animals to suffer in cold, unsanitary conditions—to fighting for stronger animal welfare standards on imported products, your support has been crucial in bringing these issues to the forefront. We have stood firm in the campaign to uphold the live export ban, ensuring that this cruel trade does not return to our shores and continued to be voice for the voiceless.

Each of these campaigns represents our shared commitment to creating a kinder, more compassionate world for animals. Whether we’re standing against outdated farming practices, calling for honesty in consumer products, or advocating for the animals who cannot speak for themselves, SAFE has been able to stay at the forefront of change because of your generosity.

Thank you for standing with us Supporter. Together, we are driving real progress and making New Zealand a better place for all animals. I look forward to continuing this journey with you in 2025.


With gratitude,

Thank you for your support: Together, we’re taking action against Mud Farming

SAFE’s ongoing campaign to end mud farming in New Zealand continues to highlight one of the country’s most destructive farming practices. A practice where animals, particularly cows and sheep are forced to endure harsh winter conditions, standing knee-deep in mud with little to no shelter from the elements. This cruelty leads to severe physical discomfort, with many animals suffering from malnutrition, disease, and even death.

In September, our worst fears about mud farming were confirmed when dead and dying sheep and lambs were found on a Southland farm. Heartbreakingly, this was not an isolated incident but a stark example of the ongoing cruelty and neglect happening on mud farms across the country. The footage, which aired on 1News and 3News, brought this urgent issue to national attention. Our mission remains clear – to raise awareness, push for immediate reforms, and fight for a complete ban on mud farming.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to those who have shown support in our campaign against mud farming. Your compassion for animal welfare has been truly inspiring, and we are grateful for your commitment to this crucial cause.

SAFE will continue to educate the public and call on supporters like you to help stop this harmful practice, as the fight to protect animal welfare and New Zealand’s waterways is more critical than ever.

Together, we are making a stand against animal suffering and advocating for a more compassionate future in New Zealand. Thank you once again for your unwavering support. Your generosity empowers us to continue this important work and drive real change for animals in need.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to those who have shown support in our campaign against mud farming. Your compassion for animal welfare has been truly inspiring, and we are grateful for your commitment to this crucial cause.

SAFE will continue to educate the public and call on supporters like you to help stop this harmful practice, as the fight to protect animal welfare and New Zealand’s waterways is more critical than ever.

Together, we are making a stand against animal suffering and advocating for a more compassionate future in New Zealand. Thank you once again for your unwavering support. Your generosity empowers us to continue this important work and drive real change for animals in need.


SAFE joins the Join the Fight Against Inhumane Imports

A recent investigation by Animal Policy International has shed light on a disturbing loophole allowing products that break our own animal welfare standards to be imported into Aotearoa

This footage was filmed across three battery cage facilities in India earlier this year, and the scenes are simply appalling. 80% of egg laying hens in India are kept in battery cage conditions – and despite Aotearoa’s ban on battery cages coming into effect last year, we continue to import egg products from countries where this practice is still allowed.

We have all fought hard to improve Aotearoa’s animal welfare standards, but we’re undermining our own progress by allowing the imports of animal products from conditions that are illegal on our own shores.

SAFE fully supports the petition initiated by Animal Policy International, which calls for a ban on importing animal products sourced from conditions that would be illegal in New Zealand. We were proud to attend the petition launch event in Parliament on September 11, joining forces with other animal advocacy organisations to amplify this vital cause. Our presence at the event underscores our commitment to ensuring that animal welfare standards are upheld not only within our borders but also in the products we allow to enter our country.

Kiwis expect our animal welfare standards to apply to all products in our stores, regardless of where they come from. It’s time for the Government to close this welfare gap and protect our values.

A huge thank you to the dedicated team at Animal Policy International for their important work, and a special shoutout to Rachel Boyack for launching the petition

Join us in supporting Animal Policy International’s petition to #stopcruelimports from conditions that breach Aotearoa’s animal welfare standards!

Kiwis expect our animal welfare standards to apply to all products in our stores, regardless of where they come from. It’s time for the Government to close this welfare gap and protect our values.

A huge thank you to the dedicated team at Animal Policy International for their important work, and a special shoutout to Rachel Boyack for launching the petition

Join us in supporting Animal Policy International’s petition to #stopcruelimports from conditions that breach Aotearoa’s animal welfare standards!




SAFE Joins the World Federation for Animals: A New Chapter in Our Advocacy Efforts

SAFE is proud to announce that we have recently joined the World Federation for Animals (WFA), an influential global coalition of animal protection organisations dedicated to improving the lives of animals around the world. Becoming a member of the WFA not only enhances our advocacy efforts but also strengthens SAFE’s reputation as a professional and credible organisation on the international stage. This partnership provides us with invaluable opportunities to collaborate with like-minded organisations, share knowledge, and push for legislative and systemic reforms that protect animals. SAFE’s CEO, Debra Ashton, has expressed her pride in being part of this global community, recognising the importance of standing alongside other leading voices who are making a difference for animals.

As a member of the WFA, we are thrilled to be part of a larger movement, working together towards a world where animals are treated with dignity and respect. This partnership gives SAFE the chance to share our expertise and learn from other organisations, adopt best practices, and grow as we continue our work in New Zealand. Being connected to a global network allows us to expand our reach, contribute to international campaigns, and bring back insights that will strengthen our initiatives at home. We are excited about the future and the opportunity to deepen our impact, both locally and globally.


Fix the Label: Colony laid eggs are cage eggs

Our beautiful country is known for its values of equality, fairness, and honesty—standards that we take immense pride in. However, it is disheartening to highlight an unimaginable injustice that has been hiding in plain sight, impacting both hens and Kiwis.

An industry, driven by profit, has misled New Zealanders into unknowingly supporting a cruel farming practice: caged egg production. Despite the ban on battery cages, over 1.2 million hens in New Zealand still endure a life of suffering in colony cages. Shockingly, egg companies are deceiving Kiwis by using confusing labels like “colony” or “colony laid,” deliberately omitting the word ‘cage’ from their packaging. This isn’t just misleading; it violates your rights as a consumer.

That’s why we are launching a campaign to demand transparency in egg labelling. Our aim is to file a complaint with the Commerce Commission, pushing for egg companies to include the word “cage” on all colony cage egg products. This will ensure Kiwis know the truth about the conditions hens are subjected to.

We believe that consumers have the right to make informed choices, and with your support, we can empower SAFE’s education campaign to raise awareness about this critical issue.

We hope you will join us in our mission to advocate for both animal welfare and consumer rights. Together, we can ensure that the word “cage” is not hidden from the labels of egg products sold in New Zealand.

Thank you for standing with us.

P.S. Stay tuned for more updates on how you can help support this important campaign! 


School Strike for Climate

We were honoured to stand alongside rangatahi at the School Strike for Climate, joining voices with thousands of young people calling for a more sustainable and just future. It was an inspiring day of solidarity, filled with hope and determination for the change we all want to see.

At SAFE, we deeply understand that the welfare of animals and the health of our planet are inextricably linked. Intensive dairy farming is not only a significant driver of environmental degradation but also a source of immense animal suffering. This industry’s impact on the climate crisis in Aotearoa is undeniable, contributing to water pollution, habitat destruction, and greenhouse gas emissions, all while animals are subjected to cruel and exploitative conditions.

At the event, SAFE’s Lily Carrington delivered an impassioned speech, driving home the idea that all forms of justice are interconnected—whether it’s fighting for climate action or advocating for animal rights. She emphasised that true sustainability must include compassion for all living beings, and that meaningful change requires a holistic approach that champions both environmental stewardship and the rights of animals.

Together, with the voices of young climate activists and compassionate advocates, we continue to push for real change. Our collective fight is not just about protecting the planet but also about ensuring a more humane and compassionate world for future generations.


Troubling update on the Fast-Track Approvals Bill

The proposed Fast-Track Approvals Bill poses a serious threat to animal welfare, with at least 14 fish farms slated for expedited approval once the Bill passes. These farms, essentially underwater factory farms, will condemn countless fish to lives of unimaginable suffering. Trapped in overcrowded, unnatural environments, fish are at risk of developing skeletal deformities, painful skin lesions, and enduring heat stress. Mass death events—already common in aquaculture—are likely to increase, adding to the cruelty and disregard for these sentient beings.

In response to this grave threat, SAFE has joined Communities Against the Fast-Track (CAFT), a coalition of groups united in opposition to this dangerous legislation. Together, we are raising awareness of the dangers posed by these fish farms and the broader implications of the Bill.

SAFE is determined to shine a light on the often-overlooked plight of fishes. Like all animals, fishes deserve to be treated be compassion and dignity.

We will continue to advocate on their behalf, exposing their suffering and demanding an end to the inhumane conditions they endure. Our message is clear: fast-tracking projects at the expense of animal welfare and the environment is unacceptable.

Our ongoing fight for greyhounds

SAFE has continued its vital work in exposing the shocking injuries and needless deaths that dogs have suffered in the racing industry. The recent statistics for the 2023/24 racing season, which concluded on July 31, reveal a staggering reality: nearly double the number of fatalities were reported compared to the previous year. This alarming increase highlights the urgent need for change and accountability within the industry.

In response to this distressing situation, SAFE joined forces with Animal Save to protest at Greyhound Racing New Zealand’s annual awards night in Ōtautahi. During this event, we stood in solidarity for every dog that was killed last season, holding placards that posed a powerful question: “What’s to celebrate?” Our presence served as a stark reminder of the lives lost and the suffering endured by these animals for the sake of entertainment.

Following our relentless campaigning, the Government has now released an action plan for the remainder of this year, which includes a critical decision on the future of greyhound racing in Aotearoa. This significant development demonstrates that our persistent calls for meaningful change are resonating, and the pressure is mounting for decisive action to end this cruel industry. We remain committed to advocating for the welfare of these dogs and ensuring their voices are heard.

Strong Support for to Protect the Ban on Live Export: A Unified Call to Action

In August, SAFE was invited by Labour MP Helen White to participate in a public meeting focused on live export. The meeting brought together a broad spectrum of voices, including representatives from the Animal Justice Party, SPCA, the Green Party, and the Labour Party, highlighting the shared commitment across various political and advocacy groups to protect animals from the cruel practice of live export by sea.

Debra Ashton, SAFE’s CEO, delivered a compelling and emotionally charged presentation at the event, where she laid out the ethical and welfare concerns associated with live animal export. She stressed the physical and psychological suffering animals endure during long sea voyages, where they are often subjected to overcrowded, unsanitary, and distressing conditions. Ashton’s presentation drew attention to the prolonged journeys, extreme temperatures, and lack of veterinary care, all of which contribute to immense suffering and frequently result in high mortality rates.

The meeting also served as an important platform for reaffirming political stances on the issue. Labour MP Rachel Boyack was in attendance, underscoring Labour’s unwavering commitment to maintaining the live export ban, which was enacted in 2023. Boyack, along with other Labour Party representatives, reinforced the party’s stance that New Zealand must not regress on this issue and should remain a leader in animal welfare standards globally.

This event was significant because it demonstrated the growing cross-party support for keeping the live export ban in place.

There is clear and strong support for maintaining the ban, reflecting a growing consensus that protecting animals from such inhumane practices should be a national priority. SAFE, along with its allies, remains at the forefront of the campaign to ensure that this cruel trade never returns, continuing to advocate for the welfare of animals and the enforcement of humane legislation.


Thank you!

In a year of constant change and challenges, SAFE has worked tirelessly to be wherever we are needed most. Our achievements, from defending animals to pushing for systemic change, would not have been possible without your unwavering support. Thanks to your generosity, we’ve been able to make a real impact for animals across New Zealand. We are incredibly grateful to have you by our side, helping us drive forward to a future of compassion and justice. Thank you for standing with us—together, we are making a difference.

P.S. Everything we achieve is thanks to generous support of individuals like you.

Please consider becoming a part of our community of monthly Heart for Animals donors, enabling SAFE to continue to the strongest voice for animals in Aotearoa.


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Help us continue helping animals in need

As a charity, SAFE is reliant on the support of caring people like you to carry out our valuable work. Every gift goes towards providing education, undertaking research and campaigning for the benefit of all animals. SAFE is a registered charity in New Zealand (CC 40428). Contributions of $5 or more are tax-deductible.