News Blog Articles Research reveals Kiwis in the dark about dairy industry

Research reveals Kiwis in the dark about dairy industry

November 14th, 2017

A new survey has exposed how little awareness  the general public has of dairy industry practices, with only half the  NZ population aware that a cow needs to have a calf each year to produce  milk.

To counteract this, we have erected a giant, thought-provoking  billboard in the Auckland CBD with a cow and her newborn calf pictured  together with the message, ‘Their first and last day together’. The text  goes on to explain that, ‘She was taken for milking. He was taken for  slaughter’. 

In the November Horizon Research survey:

  • 50% of people either thought it was false or did not know that a cow needs to give birth each year to produce milk.
  • Over 80% of the public vastly underestimate the number of bobby calves killed per year.
  • There is widespread condemnation of the killing of bobby calves soon  after birth, with 60% of people feeling it is not acceptable.
  • When asked how much trust and confidence they had in the dairy  industry to ensure bobby calves are treated humanely, 47% were  unconfident.

“What came through strongly in the research was how misinformed  Kiwis are about the truth of dairy production, something that is  certainly not being given to them by Fonterra’s advertising campaigns,”  says campaigns director Mandy Carter.

It is standard practise for calves to be taken from their mothers  soon after birth so that their mothers’ milk can be sold. While some  calves are transitioned into use for dairy and some to grow for beef or  veal, vast numbers of these babies are killed at approximately 4 days  old. Slaughter statistics show up to a reported two million calves are  killed annually in New Zealand as an unwanted by-product of the dairy  industry.  Dairy sources suggest up to a million calves could be killed  on farms as well.

Over the last two years, there has been widespread public outrage at  the brutal treatment of bobby calves exposed during investigations, with  the issue attracting attention globally.

Our investigations have shone the light on animal suffering within  the NZ dairy industry. The industry has been in damage control mode ever  since; pouring money into blanketing media channels.

Despite regulations imposed this year touted as helping to prevent  suffering of bobby calves, these vulnerable young animals will continue  to go for slaughter. No matter what regulations are put in place, the  suffering from separating cows from their babies will continue; those  babies ending up dead.

We are showing the stark truth: that there is cruelty in every glass  of milk. There is no such thing as cruelty-free cow’s milk and we  encourage people to try plant-based milks and other dairy substitutes.

Take action

  • Make the compassionate choice by choosing dairy-free. Sign up to our dairy-free pledge.
  • Watch a drone video of our billboard.


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