News Blog Articles 5 reasons why to give Veganuary a try
5 reasons why to give Veganuary a try

5 reasons why to give Veganuary a try

January 9th, 2020

Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world will be kickstarting their new year by taking meat off the menu. Since 2014 the UK-based non-profit organisation Veganuary has been running an international monthlong pledge.

Why, you might ask?  

  • Switching to a plant-based diet is the most powerful way to have a positive effect on the climate emergency.  
  • Ditching meat and dairy for a month means you can contribute towards a kinder world for animals.  
  • And, for any health-driven athletes out there, Veganuary is a chance to allow your body to thrive!  

If the idea of eating plant-based is totally foreign to you, here are five reasons why you should pile up your plate with plant food and give Veganuary a try. 

  1. It’s flipping delicious 

Forget the expired idea that all vegans can eat is tofu and lentils. These days, trying plant-based meals means meeting seitan (no, not satan. This one is more likely to have been sent from the heavens). Seitan is often used as a fried chicken alternative, yet it’s made entirely from plants. Yes please! Cooking your family up a plant-based meal can mean tucking into BBQ pulled-jackfruit tacos, or Beyond burgers with pavlova for dessert.  


  1. It can be as cheap as chips! 

Leaving meat and dairy out or your supermarket trolley will leave you with extra dosh in your hands. (Bonus!). Load up on seasonal veggies (farmers markets or fruit & veggie shops are often cheaper than the supermarket). Stock your freezer up with frozen veggies and berries and your cupboards with nuts and seeds, and dried or canned beans (bulk stores can be incredibly economical, and if take your own containers you can reduce single use packaging).  


  1. It makes us better, faster, stronger 


Plants have little-to-no saturated fats and cholesterol, so it allows for increased blood and oxygen to flow throughout our bodies. This means our muscles receive energy more efficiently for improved endurance and performance – and it’s making more than just athlete’s ears prick up! Men are cottoning on to the fact that improved blood-flow is enhancing other areas of their ‘performance’.  

  1. Our meals make a difference 

Kiwis care about the state of our environment. Our national climate strike had the biggest turnout per capita of any major country – it was the largest protest in New Zealand’s history! Pair this thought with the fact that half of the greenhouse gases our country emits comes from animal agriculture – you can see why making the move to plant-based foods is a chance to turn our words into action.  

  1. We’re in it together! 

By taking part in Veganuary, you’ll have access to an abundance of (free!) recipes, tips, advice, and all the tricks of the trade for switching to a plant-based diet. From doing your first supermarket shop, to nutritional information, and easy vegan meal ideas. There is nothing to lose and so much flavour, fun and inspiration to gain! What better way to start the year?! 


Ready to try something new? Sign up for Veganuary 2020 and see for yourself what all the fuss is about!  


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