News Blog Articles Animals in factory farms school textbook launched

Animals in factory farms school textbook launched

April 3rd, 2017

Thanks to your support, the fifth issue in  the Animals & Us secondary school textbook series, Animals in  Factory Farms, was formally launched at the Grey Lynn Library Hall in  Auckland on 3rd March.

The event was attended by educators, students and some of our  generous supporters who contributed to the production of the textbook.   SAFE CEO Jasmijn de Boo hosted the event and explained her own  background in humane education and the importance of our Animals & Us education programme, while SAFE Ambassador Hans Kriek described how a  lesson on factory farming by his biology teacher at school changed the  course of his life – and sparked his desire to become an animal  advocate.  Professor Annie Potts from the New Zealand Centre for  Human-Animal Studies described the exciting opportunities now available  in tertiary education for young people interested in taking their animal  studies further, and SAFE’s Head of Education, Nichola Kriek, outlined  the advantages of incorporating the new textbook into teaching  programmes.  Nigel Snookes, Head of Social Sciences at Glenfield  College’ explained how his school has used the SAFE ‘Love Pigs’ campaign  as a case study of social action for several years.  Finally, Isla and  Alessandra from the Epsom Girls’ Grammar and Auckland Grammar Animal  Rights Group discussed why animals matter to them and the work they are  doing to fundraise and bring awareness to animal rights issues.

Over 4,500 copies of the new textbook have been sent to over 400  secondary schools throughout New Zealand.  After receiving the books,  Angela Peters, librarian from Morrinsville College, said: “Thanks so  much!  The information is up-to-date, extremely informative and helps  the students to make up their own minds on these important issues. The  fact that they are free is wonderful as many school libraries have had  their budgets cut, and can’t afford up to date information of this  quality!”

  • For more information on the Animals and Us programme, please visit here


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