News Blog Articles Celebrating kindness with new eatery awards on World Vegan Day

Celebrating kindness with new eatery awards on World Vegan Day

November 1st, 2017

SAFE is recognising four restaurants from  across the country for their spectacular plant-based menus to mark World  Vegan Day. The annual EAT KIND Awards were presented to:

This is the inaugural year for SAFE’s EAT KIND Awards which  recognise culinary excellence in New Zealand. The annual awards are a  fun way to mark World Vegan Day and celebrate the diversity of vegan  options available in New Zealand.

One of the recipients, Emma Wood, owner of Portershed said, “To be  recognised by an organisation such as SAFE is one of the most validating  things we could hear. It’s an honour and a privilege to be supporting  such a passionate, growing community, determined to live a life of  kindness and good health.”

These eateries go above and beyond to cater to the growing demand for  plant-based food. SAFE is pleased to recognise them for their  spectacular food offerings.

There has never been a better time than now for us to cut animal  products out of our diets. With the number of animals on cruel,  intensive farms increasing and with only a third of Kiwis being at a  healthy weight, we need to make kind choices. 

Do Good, Feel Great!


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