News Blog Articles Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern receives giant Valentine’s Day card from hundreds of caring Kiwis

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern receives giant Valentine’s Day card from hundreds of caring Kiwis

February 13th, 2019

Three of Jacinda Ardern’s constituents and SAFE delivered a giant Valentine’s card to the Prime Minister’s Mt Albert electorate office on February 14, 2019. Inside were hundreds of messages and signatures from caring Kiwis, all calling for Ms Ardern to have a heart for mother pigs this Valentine’s Day.

In New Zealand, thousands of mother pigs are confined in metal cages called farrowing crates for up to five weeks, from just before they give birth until their babies are weaned. This is repeated two to three times a year. 

SAFE Head of Campaigns Marianne Macdonald said these Valentine’s messages reflect how strongly New Zealanders feel about this important animal welfare issue. 

“A mother pig trapped in a farrowing crate is stripped of her ability to care for her piglets. At her most vulnerable time of motherhood, she desperately wants to protect and nurture her babies. Instead, she is trapped behind bars. She can’t build a nest for her piglets or even turn around,” said Ms Macdonald.

“This is no way to treat a mother. A mother pig wants to love her piglets and keep them safe. It’s only right that we show pigs love in return and free them from cruel farrowing crates.”

“Hundreds of Kiwis have signed this card asking Jacinda to show compassion for mother pigs and end their suffering in farrowing crates.” 

In 2018 SAFE delivered a petition containing 122,844 signatures to Parliament demanding a ban on farrowing crates, which the Primary Production Select Committee has since taken submissions on. Ms Ardern has remained silent on the subject since being elected. 

In February 2019 SAFE and the New Zealand Animal Law Association announced they had filed legal proceedings against the Government for their failure to ban farrowing crates.

“The Prime Minister stated when she was sworn in that she wants to transcend politics and bring kindness back to Government. It’s time that kindness was extended to mother pigs,” said Ms Macdonald.

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