News Blog Articles RIP Nells Belle – Another casualty of jumps racing

RIP Nells Belle – Another casualty of jumps racing

September 26th, 2017

A horse was killed on 21 September in the Jolt  Coffee House Open Steeplechase at the Wanganui Racecourse, confirming  yet again that jumps racing is cruel and dangerous. Nells Belle, a  9-year old mare, was killed by race officials after breaking her left  hind leg in the gruelling 4,100 metre race.

The death of Nells Belle follows on from Kina Win, who was killed two  weeks earlier at a race in Auckland. Five New Zealand horses have died  in jumps races this season, making a total of at least 26 horses killed since 2013. Horses have died both on NZ tracks and when exported for racing in Australia.

Although all racing poses a danger to the horses involved, jumps  racing is particularly problematic. Horses are leaping large fences at  speed and can frequently fall or stumble upon landing. Injuries are  sustained when the horses fall or crash into jumps or barriers.  Racehorses, especially those that suffer fractures, are almost always  euthanised.

The horses that do survive are often discarded when no longer deemed  able to profitably race, many ending up at the slaughterhouse.

New South Wales has already banned jumps racing. New Zealand needs to do the same.

Take action:

  • Sign and share the pledge.

    Help  end the exploitation and suffering of horses in the racing industry by  never attending or placing a bet on a jumps race, and encouraging your  family and friends to do the same.


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