Take action
Speaking out for animals

Take action

Even if all you have is one minute you can still take action to help animals.

There are lots of positive ways you can help animals and make a difference.

Everyday people around New Zealand are standing up for animals, and there is real change as a result.  We are seeing law changes for animals and compassionate living is more popular than ever before!  And it’s because of people like you getting involved.

Even if all you have is 60 seconds, you can help.

End mud farming

Every year animals endure immense suffering and neglect due to mud farming. These conditions breach the Animal Welfare Act 1999, inflicting severe pain, distress, and avoidable death. Beyond the harm to animals, mud farming devastates Aotearoa’s environment, polluting waterways, degrading ecosystems, and threatening the health of all lifeforms.

Ban rodeo cruelty

Every summer, countless animals are subjected to fear, distress, risk of injury and death – all for the sake of ‘entertainment.’ Demand an end to the torment. Write to the Associate Minister for Animal Welfare and the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee to call for an end to rodeo in Aotearoa

Demand a commissioner for animals

While there are Government bodies to represent vulnerable members of our community, including children and the environment, animals are not represented in Parliament. That is why we have formed the Commissioner for Animals Alliance. Together, our voices are stronger.

Hold Aotearoa’s cage egg industry to account!

Major New Zealand egg companies are deliberately misleading Kiwis by not featuring the word “cage” anywhere on their cage egg packaging. Instead, the cruel cage egg industry uses vague and confusing labels like ‘colony’ or ‘colony laid.’

Protect the ban on Live Export

Join SAFE as we call on Prime Minister Christopher Luxon to withdraw National’s support for this policy and restore New Zealand’s commitment to upholding robust standards of animal welfare on the world stage.

Justice for greyhounds! New Zealand bans greyhound racing

Breaking! Today (10/12/2024), the Deputy Prime Minister Rt Hon Winston Peters, who also serves as Racing Minister, announced that greyhound racing in New Zealand will be banned after a 20-month phase-out period.

This is a monumental win for animal rights in Aotearoa and will protect thousands of dogs from unnecessary pain, suffering, and death. We couldn't have done it without your generous support!

Take the Plant-Based Challenge

Every meal is a chance to make a difference. It’s as simple as what you choose to eat! And it isn’t about missing out - it’s about adding compassion. Not sure it’s for you? Challenge yourself to try it out. Sign up here to receive six weeks of supportive emails and tips and tricks to help you along the way.

Take the Dairy-Free Challenge

Thinking about going dairy-free but want some help with tips, recipes and inspiration? We have just the thing for you! Take the Dairy-Free Challenge and get set to receive helpful emails that cover everything from delicious recipes to the latest dairy-free products, nutritional information and even some myth-busting! So what are you waiting for? Take the Dairy-Free Challenge today!

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Help us continue helping animals in need

As a charity, SAFE is reliant on the support of caring people like you to carry out our valuable work. Every gift goes towards providing education, undertaking research and campaigning for the benefit of all animals. SAFE is a registered charity in New Zealand (CC 40428). Contributions of $5 or more are tax-deductible.