News Blog Articles Cute animals videos are good for you!

Cute animals videos are good for you!

May 30th, 2016

Pretending to work or study, but secretly looking at cute animal videos, are we?

Well, now you can ditch that guilt for good because I have the Best. News. EVER!

It’s official: Looking at photos of cute animals makes you happy and can even improve your concentration and dexterity.

Oh the relief! I can feel your guilt slipping away already.

All those times you’ve been distracted by adorable baby animal  photos, dog compilations and funny cat videos, and realised that an  entire hour has passed and you have achieved nothing – feel guilty no  more!

In a study scientists discovered that concentration, dexterity and general  happiness were improved after viewing cute animal images. We already  knew they made us smile, of course, but now we have concrete evidence it  benefits us.

So before you get back to work/study, why not fuel up your brain with these adorable images:

Monty and Archie are rats who were rescued from a  laboratory and are slowly learning to trust humans again. They now live  at the NZAVS office in Christchurch. Millions of animals suffer in  laboratories every day. You can help end animal experiments by choosing  cruelty-free products with the SAFE Shopper App.

“Little Squeak” the rescued piggy now lives a  happy life at Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary in Australia.  Factory-farmed pigs live a life of hell, but Little Squeak is one of the  lucky ones.  Read her story here.

“Dudley” the calf was saved from slaughter and  given a new prosthetic leg and a new life, thanks to the wonderful  people at The Gentle Barn sanctuary in Tennessee, where he is now the  main attraction! Read more about Dudley’s story here. Sadly, millions of New Zealand bobby calves aren’t so lucky.

KITTENS! Quite possibly the cutest thing on the  planet!  Right now there are so many kittens in desperate need of homes. Remember: desex your pets and adopt, don’t shop.

Cute couple alert! Penny the fluffy chicken and Roo the chihuahua make an unlikely couple! Watch their remarkable story here.

Horses are sweet, gentle and peaceful creatures.  They do not deserve to be used for profit in the racing industry and  tormented for entertainment at the rodeo. YOU can help put an end to  rodeo in New Zealand by emailing sponsors.

Meet Sparky! This adorable calf was left to die  in a ditch after becoming entangled in an electric fence. He has well  and truly landed on his feet after being rescued by kind people and he  now lives happily at Matakana Animal Sanctuary. Sparky is one of the  lucky ones. Sadly, two million bobby calves are killed every year as a  result of the dairy industry. Find out how you can help here.

Laura Gentle, Volunteer Coordinator


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