News Blog Articles Kiwi-owned grocery stores race to be cage-free
Kiwi-owned grocery stores race to be cage-free

Kiwi-owned grocery stores race to be cage-free

August 20th, 2018

SAFE is applauding Kiwi grocery chain Bin Inn  for embracing cage-free policy with a swift turnaround time. The  commitment will see all 36 Bin Inn stores, from Whangarei to Alexandria,  cage-free in whole eggs by 2020. This is one of the fastest supermarket  chain-wide switches yet.

After working with SAFE on the progressive policy, Bin Inn said it is  committed to stopping the sale of all whole caged eggs, with most  stores switched by the end of 2018 and full store compliancy by 2020.

Earlier this year, retail outlets FreshChoice and SuperValue, owned  by Countdown, also confirmed cage-free policy. This followed moves from  Foodstuffs and Progressive to do the same and brought all major New  Zealand supermarket chains together, united against the cruelty of  cage-eggs. By 2027 at the latest, there will be no cage eggs left on any  supermarket shelves!

“Yet another New Zealand business pulling their support for cruel  cage eggs shows this industry is on a timer. Public acceptance has ended  on this shameful treatment of hens,” says Jennifer Dutton, SAFE’s  Corporate Campaigner.

The egg industry choosing to keep hens confined in battery and colony  cages is one of the most extreme methods of legalised animal cruelty  still around today. SAFE is working to help hens and their chicks across  all types of farming systems and getting rid of cages is a vital step  in the journey towards a future where all animals are valued as  individuals.

The phasing out of cages is part of a global revolution by animal  advocacy groups around the world including members of the Open Wing  Alliance, of which SAFE is a partner organisation.


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