News Blog Articles The death toll mounts as a bull is killed at Gisborne rodeo
The death toll mounts as a bull is killed at Gisborne rodeo

The death toll mounts as a bull is killed at Gisborne rodeo

January 9th, 2019

The peak of the rodeo season this summer saw another innocent life taken at the Gisborne Rodeo. Despite continued calls to end rodeo in New Zealand, these barbaric displays of human dominance over animals continue.

A bull was shot at the Gisborne Rodeo on December 27 after dislocating part of his leg during a bull riding event. Video footage shows that despite the pain he must have been in, the bull continues to buck and writhe long after the cowboy has fallen off, because the  flank strap continues to be tight around his hind quarters.

This follows two previous deaths in 2018; a horse who was killed at the Methven rodeo in October, and the death of a bull who whose leg was broken at the Martinborough bull ride in February.

Despite the Rodeo Cowboys Association new ‘suggested practices’ that were introduced prior to the start of the rodeo season, animals continue to suffer and die at rodeo events across the country.

SAFE Head of Campaigns Marianne Macdonald says it’s so important that the Government now commit to their pre-election promise to ban the cruellest aspects of rodeo.

“Labour campaigned on a promise to ban the use of flank straps and calves under 12 months of age. More than a year has passed and three innocent animals have died. It’s an absolute disgrace,” says Ms Macdonald.

“If the Government wants to be seen as the ‘kind and compassionate’ leaders they claim to be, then it’s time they showed some compassion to the animals exploited in rodeo.”

To ensure this is the last rodeo season in New Zealand, it’s crucial the Government hears the voices of caring Kiwis who are demanding a ban.

Take Action: 

  • Email Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, and demand her Government bans rodeo cruelty.


Photo credit: NZ Anti-Rodeo Coalition


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