Donate now Heart for Animals
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Join Heart For Animals

In making a regular gift to SAFE, you are joining SAFE’s community of most treasured regular supporters. Together, we can create the change we want for all animals in New Zealand.

Imagine a hen tentatively stretching her wings in an open space, curiously watching the world around her.

You are changing the lives of 1.5 million layer hens.

Imagine a mother pig, unable to turn around or create a nest for her piglets. She looks sadly through the bars as her babies are taken.

You are fighting for her, every day.

Imagine an 11 year-old as they open their Animal Squad newsletter and learn about rabbits. They discover for the first time why it’s important to use products that are not tested on animals.

You are teaching them, every day.

You are changing the lives of animals in New Zealand every time you make a regular gift to SAFE. As a member of Heart for Animals, you will be making vital work possible. Heart For Animals is a group for people like you, whose regular support is at the core of SAFE’s work for animals.

What your regular support means for animals

Help stop factory farming

Calling for an end of animals used in entertainment

Continue to expose shocking cruelty in the dairy industry

Educate youth through resources such as the SAFE AnimalSquad newsletter

Educate people about a better life through plant-based eating with Eat Kind


Join Heart For Animals today and make New Zealand a better place for all animals with a regular gift to SAFE.



Or call William on: 03 379 9711

Other ways to support animals

One Time Donation

As a charity, SAFE is reliant on the support of caring people like you to carry out our valuable work. Every dollar goes towards providing education, undertaking research and campaigning for the benefit of all animals.

Animal Guardians

SAFE gives a voice to the voiceless. It throws light on human-induced animal suffering caused by practices that have no place in a civilised society.

Donate today

Help us continue helping animals in need

As a charity, SAFE is reliant on the support of caring people like you to carry out our valuable work. Every gift goes towards providing education, undertaking research and campaigning for the benefit of all animals. SAFE is a registered charity in New Zealand (CC 40428). Contributions of $5 or more are tax-deductible.