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Blog Articles

Legal setback for animal welfare: SAFE and NZALA stand against Government’s mud farming policy changes
Image credit: Matt Coffey

Legal setback for animal welfare: SAFE and NZALA stand against Government’s mud farming policy changes

July 11th, 2024
On 23 April 2024, the Government announced that it planned to repeal national intensive winter grazing regulations through amendments to the Resource Management Act 1991.  SAFE has previously highlighted the devastating effects intensive winter grazing (also known as mud farming) can have on animal welfare. If this legislation is enacted,...
Bird flu: An animal welfare and biosecurity disaster

Bird flu: An animal welfare and biosecurity disaster

July 9th, 2024
The spread of bird flu, which has led to the killing of tens of millions of farmed birds globally, prompts us to examine the role of intensive animal farming in zoonotic disease outbreaks, and rethink our entire relationship with animals.  What is bird flu?  Bird flu is a contagious disease...
Unveiling the link: Animal agriculture and climate change

Unveiling the link: Animal agriculture and climate change

March 25th, 2024
In the ‘big story’ of combating climate change, there’s a chapter that often goes unnoticed: animal agriculture. Unfortunately, without examining that chapter, the story doesn’t make sense.  Here in New Zealand, where agriculture is a cornerstone of our economy, the connection between animal agriculture and greenhouse gas emissions is undeniable.  ...
Fast-Track Approvals Bill – An animal welfare and environmental disaster

Fast-Track Approvals Bill – An animal welfare and environmental disaster

March 20th, 2024
By now, you may have come across the headlines about the government’s Fast Track Approvals Bill, which has been gaining attention recently. You may even have heard some of the many concerns raised by environmentalists, animal welfare organisations, indigenous leaders and advocates across the spectrum.  But how did we get here?...
What else can I do to ensure the ban on live export is upheld in New Zealand?

What else can I do to ensure the ban on live export is upheld in New Zealand?

February 26th, 2024
As a country known for its commitment to animal welfare and ethical standards, New Zealand has long prided itself on leading by example. One of the most significant steps we’ve taken in this regard is the ban on live export—a crucial measure that upholds our values and protects the well-being...
Rodeo welfare reforms in New Zealand: Update

Rodeo welfare reforms in New Zealand: Update

February 5th, 2024
A year has now passed since a leaked draft Code of Welfare for Rodeo hit New Zealand headlines, proposing significant changes to the treatment of animals in rodeo events. Despite the urgency of the matter, the draft code is still in limbo, with the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC)...
What does the change in Government mean for Aotearoa’s animals?

What does the change in Government mean for Aotearoa’s animals?

November 24th, 2023
The results of the 2023 general election are in, and it seems Aotearoa will now be shifting to a National-led Government. Naturally, many Kiwis will be curious about how this change will impact SAFE’s ongoing campaign work, and more broadly, New Zealand’s animals. Rest assured, whatever may eventuate in the...
If elected, National and ACT will bring back the cruel live export trade

If elected, National and ACT will bring back the cruel live export trade

September 1st, 2023
In 2021, the Government announced it would phase out the export of cattle, sheep, deer and goats. On 30 April 2023, live export by sea was officially prohibited in New Zealand. Decades of evidence has indicated that animals suffer in the live export trade. In their review of the live...
Foetal Bovine Serum: Your Questions Answered
Image supplied by Taranaki Animal Save

Foetal Bovine Serum: Your Questions Answered

September 15th, 2022
Behind slaughterhouse doors, mother cows are being killed during pregnancy with the blood from their unborn calves drained to produce foetal bovine serum (FBS). The meat and dairy industries want to grow the market for foetal calf blood to capitalise on its value, and the serum industry claims that FBS...
What’s Wrong with Rodeo in NZ?

What’s Wrong with Rodeo in NZ?

July 8th, 2022
I filmed my first rodeo, solo, in 2013. These events were held on beautiful sunny days, with country music playing, relaxed crowds and announcers cracking jokes. I sat up on the bank while kids ran about, hot chips were eaten and people chatted and laughed. Stop right there, and this...
The simple matter of the law: pig welfare and farrowing crates

The simple matter of the law: pig welfare and farrowing crates

July 6th, 2022
A potential end to the use of farrowing crates on pig farms has drawn battle lines between farmers and animal advocates. SAFE Chief Executive Debra Ashton explains why the legal and social license to confine pigs in farrowing crates has expired. Our country’s leaders love to talk about animal welfare....
NZALA & SAFE to challenge the legality of Rodeo in NZ

NZALA & SAFE to challenge the legality of Rodeo in NZ

June 2nd, 2022
In 2019, The New Zealand Animals Law Association (NZALA) and SAFE partnered for the first time to seek legal justice for animals in Aotearoa, and we won, with the High Court delivering a damning judgement, ruling that farrowing crates and mating stalls for pigs were unlawful. Now, we are partnering...
Should aquariums be part of New Zealand’s future?

Should aquariums be part of New Zealand’s future?

October 8th, 2021
Lockdown has been hard on us all. Not being able to do the things we love can have a detrimental effect on our mental health and wellbeing. Now imagine that your lockdown is forever. For animals trapped in aquariums, this is the sad reality. While they are on display in a tank that is a fraction of the size of...
What is that blob on the beach?

What is that blob on the beach?

December 20th, 2021
One SAFE staffer recounts the beauty of summer days at the beach and the vast wonder it inspires in her and her tamariki.   There is nothing like summer days at the beach in Te Waipounamu (the South Island). Our special spot is a secluded southern bay. Sometimes we’re lucky...
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As a charity, SAFE is reliant on the support of caring people like you to carry out our valuable work. Every gift goes towards providing education, undertaking research and campaigning for the benefit of all animals. SAFE is a registered charity in New Zealand (CC 40428). Contributions of $5 or more are tax-deductible.