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Blog Articles

When unlikely allies come together to fight intensive farming

When unlikely allies come together to fight intensive farming

July 31st, 2020
Back in 2014, I was contacted by some fellow animal activists who told me a woman had reached out to them for help to stop a colony cage egg farm from being built in her small rural township of Patumahoe by a company called Craddock Farms. Knowing that I’d always...
It’s time for the Government to tell the egg industry what it needed to hear in 2012: “No more cages.”
It's time to put the chicken before the egg.

It’s time for the Government to tell the egg industry what it needed to hear in 2012: “No more cages.”

August 12th, 2020
In 2012, the Government announced that battery cages would be banned in New Zealand. Kiwis welcomed the groundbreaking decision, and the egg industry was given a decade to transition to alternative egg-farming systems.   Sadly, cause for celebration was cut short when the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) then...
Political Panel for Animals exceeded expectations

Political Panel for Animals exceeded expectations

July 24th, 2020
Last night’s Political Panel for Animals far exceeded my expectations. After seeing it, I am more optimistic than ever that we will get a win on colony cages ‒ if we keep pushing. It wasn’t the politicians that had me so excited. It was the little things. When it comes...
NZ egg distributor sentenced for selling 3 million cage eggs as ‘free-range’

NZ egg distributor sentenced for selling 3 million cage eggs as ‘free-range’

July 22nd, 2020
A New Zealand egg distributor who sold 3 million cage eggs as free-range eggs was sentenced to 12 months’ home detention yesterday. While it’s encouraging to see Mr Chen being held accountable for his actions, this isn’t the first time someone has sold cage eggs as free-range eggs, and it...
Canadian Government invests 100 million into plant-based food industry – will New Zealand be next?

Canadian Government invests 100 million into plant-based food industry – will New Zealand be next?

June 29th, 2020
Last week, the Canadian Government announced it will invest almost 100 million dollars into plant-based food production. The global plant-based retail market has grown a whopping 31% since 2017 to a value of $4.5 billion, so it’s understandable that Canada wants to fund the growth of its plant-based food industry....
Today is World Albatross Day, but for how much longer?

Today is World Albatross Day, but for how much longer?

June 19th, 2020
Today we have an opportunity to think about our awe-inspiring albatross. Kiwis have a great love and appreciation for these magnificent aviators of the seas. Unfortunately, many species of seabird are declining, and some are critically endangered. This is certainly true of the albatross. We have a particular responsibility towards...
SAFE’s historic court case – How can we uphold our animal welfare laws in the future?

SAFE’s historic court case – How can we uphold our animal welfare laws in the future?

May 21st, 2020
Paris Waterworth is SAFE’s Campaigns Assistant and resident legal expert. She was admitted to the bar in 2019. In this series, Paris will be demystifying legal processes and shedding light on how court proceedings can translate into real-world justice for animals like mother pigs. On 8 June SAFE and the...
Greening Kiwi dinner tables

Greening Kiwi dinner tables

May 13th, 2020
As a young chef slinging steaks on the grill at one of Sydney’s hippest restaurants, Tom Riley never thought about trading the thrill of cooking on the line (and the late nights of partying) for something else. It was at one of those late-night parties in 2008 that he set...
Five unexpected side effects of doing Meat-Free May

Five unexpected side effects of doing Meat-Free May

May 8th, 2020
It’s Meat-Free May! People all over the world are taking part by cutting out meat for the month and embracing the delicious and healthy alternatives available. Some are going the extra mile by cutting out animal products altogether, including dairy and eggs. We all know this is a great move...
SAFE’s historic court case – Understanding the Animal Welfare Act 1999

SAFE’s historic court case – Understanding the Animal Welfare Act 1999

May 6th, 2020
Paris Waterworth is SAFE’s Campaigns Assistant and resident legal expert. She was admitted to the bar in 2019. In this series, Paris will be demystifying legal processes and shedding light on how court proceedings can translate into real-world justice for animals like mother pigs. The Animal Welfare Act 1999 is...
It’s time to extend our compassion to crayfish

It’s time to extend our compassion to crayfish

May 4th, 2020
High-end Auckland restaurant Pasture has been selling live crayfish as part of their produce boxes, but what does that mean for the crayfish? Just like mammals, crayfish have a nervous system that is capable of feeling pain. They have sensory and opioid receptors and demonstrate reduced responses to painful procedures...
Colorado bans caging of hens

Colorado bans caging of hens

July 3rd, 2020
Yesterday, Colorado became the seventh US state to ban the caging of hens. The new law will spare roughly six million hens a lifetime of confinement in cages so small and barren that they are unable to perform their most basic natural behaviours, like fully stretching out their wings and...
SAFE’s historic court case – Who are the key players?

SAFE’s historic court case – Who are the key players?

April 24th, 2020
Paris Waterworth is SAFE’s Campaigns Assistant and resident legal expert. She was admitted to the bar in 2019. In this series, Paris will be demystifying legal processes and shedding light on how court proceedings can translate into real-world justice for animals like mother pigs. For the first time in New...
Seven ways to celebrate Earth Day

Seven ways to celebrate Earth Day

April 22nd, 2020
Happy Earth Day! There are many ways to celebrate Earth Day, but this year we are facing a few extra challenges, due to us mainly being stuck at home. You may be wondering what you can do to mark this special day. The great thing is that for many of...
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As a charity, SAFE is reliant on the support of caring people like you to carry out our valuable work. Every gift goes towards providing education, undertaking research and campaigning for the benefit of all animals. SAFE is a registered charity in New Zealand (CC 40428). Contributions of $5 or more are tax-deductible.