

“Kids care passionately about hens. Time for Countdown to listen! “

July 22nd, 2016
Kiwi children are demonstrating their passion and commitment towards protecting animals by bravely standing up to supermarket giant Countdown. From creating video messages to Countdown’s CEO to starting up a nation-wide petition demanding Countdown stop selling all cage eggs, they are making their voices heard.   At 11am today, two...

Greyhound racing ban in NSW and Act applauded

July 8th, 2016
Animal advocacy group SAFE welcomes the greyhound racing bans announced by the NSW and ACT State Governments.  The bans follow a Commission of Inquiry report showing widespread and systemic animal abuse.   “The Australian bans are an enormous step forward in abolishing this  cruel pastime and SAFE is calling on...

Live export plans will not be tolerated

July 4th, 2016
Animal advocacy group SAFE is outraged at Government plans to  export large numbers of live sheep to Saudi Arabia where the animals  would be slaughtered under conditions illegal in New Zealand.   This weekend, current affairs show The Nation exposed questionable  dealings between our Government and Saudi business interests that...
Eating animals: Our personal choice?

Eating animals: Our personal choice?

June 30th, 2016
Guest blogger Carl Scott shares his views on eating animals. Carl  is an ex-slaughterhouse worker, comes from a meat-eating, hunting  family and has now become one of the country’s most outspoken animal  rights activists. Some people say what we eat and other lifestyle choices that involve  harming animals are a...

Maxibon, the cat that changed my life

June 21st, 2016
I have a theory about cats. They come into your life for a reason and more often than not they choose you. This is certainly true of the amazing Max. (AKA Maxibon. AKA The Bon) 742w, 150w, 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 371px) 100vw, 371px” width=”371″ height=”187″> I was flat...

New report shows factory farming the wrong direction for New Zealand

June 16th, 2016
The government released its report on the outlook for the primary industries today. SAFE says the report demonstrates factory farming is the wrong direction for New Zealand.   “Only 1.8% of the money involved in farming came from pigs and chickens in 2015. The government is writing all these exemptions...

Three NZ horses dead in single day of racing

June 8th, 2016
The deaths of three horses in jumps races at an Auckland meeting  on Queen’s Birthday, has animal advocates demanding that jumps racing  be banned.   Tu Meta Peta was euthanised after jumping the first fence awkwardly,  falling and fracturing his right shoulder at the Ellerslie racecourse.  Musashi was killed after...

Could tomorrow be the last day for rodeo in New Zealand?

June 1st, 2016
Leading animal advocacy organisations hope tomorrow could spell  the end for rodeo in New Zealand as the government convenes to consider  animal welfare concerns. The discussions on 2 June involve a formal  hearing with a Select Committee mulling over a ban on rodeo.   The Select Committee hearing will include...

Caged hen campaign takes flight – Countdown to be targeted with plane

June 1st, 2016
The opening of Countdown’s new flagship Ponsonby store on June 2 will see animal advocacy organisation SAFE in the air and on the ground, taking bold action on behalf of New Zealand hens: ramping up the consumer campaign for Countdown to phase out cage eggs.   SAFE says Countdown is...

Cute animals videos are good for you!

May 30th, 2016
Pretending to work or study, but secretly looking at cute animal videos, are we? Well, now you can ditch that guilt for good because I have the Best. News. EVER! It’s official: Looking at photos of cute animals makes you happy and can even improve your concentration and dexterity. Oh...

Duck shooting: Celebrating violence

May 10th, 2016
Every time I see or hear a pro-duck shooting advertisement in  mainstream media it never fails to shock me a little. Surely your  average, caring Kiwi is not OK with the idea of blasting wildlife out of  the sky for fun? Anyone would think that New Zealanders as a whole...

Duck shooting: Killing and poisoning for fun

May 5th, 2016
Government still allowing lead shot loophole for duck shooters Saturday 7 May will herald another season of death for hundreds of  thousands of ducks, swans and geese—including native wildfowl—as the  duck shooting season opens. Not only will around a million birds be  killed by shooters, but tens of thousands will...

This Earth Day, reap what you sow – and no, I’m not talking about tree planting

April 21st, 2016
Call me sentimental, but one of my favourite things to do on Earth  Day is to gather my favourite people and treat them to a home cooked,  candlelit dinner. My hope for each year’s meal is that we slow down and  enjoy some beautiful food, company and conversation about how...

Government blatantly disregards the law on pigs

April 20th, 2016
Farrowing crates are likely to be used for the foreseeable future after a report by a government committee claims no suitable alternatives exist. But the use of Farrowing crates breaks New Zealand’s animal welfare laws, as the crates do not allow sows to express their normal behaviour.   Farrowing crates...
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