

New regulations, but same old suffering for the animals

April 15th, 2016
A complete farce. That’s what animal advocates are calling the new proposed animal welfare regulations, which the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) has devised.   The suggested changes are over 100 pages long, but SAFE says that very little will change for the animals.   The rules cover almost every...

Do you really love animals?

April 15th, 2016
Around 15 years ago I was walking past a popular eatery in my  hometown of Derby (UK) when I came across a group of animal rights  activists dressed as kangaroos, covered in fake blood and protesting  loudly outside the entrance. I quickly cottoned on to the fact that the  group...

Caged hen investigation proves new colony cages are cruel

April 6th, 2016
A brand new colony cage farm that supplies eggs to major New Zealand supermarkets has been exposed in an undercover investigation that shows extensive cruelty to hens.  Filmed by investigators from Farmwatch, the footage shows:  Hens trapped beneath perches and left to starve to death; Dead hens left to rot...

Footage available from inside fire-plagued pig farm

April 1st, 2016
Animal advocacy group SAFE is horrified that dozens of pigs have burnt to death at a pig farm north of Ngaruawahia. The current fire is the third at the property, after 400 mother pigs and piglets burnt to death in August 2015.  300 animals died in a similar blaze in...

60,000-strong ban rodeo petition to be handed in to parliament

March 17th, 2016
Today, leading animal advocacy organisations SAFE, SPCA and Farmwatch  will be outside Parliament to hand in their joint petition calling for  an end to rodeo. The petition will be handed to Green MP Mojo Mathers,  calling on the Government to make this the last ever rodeo season. The  petition has...

Supermarket giant Countdown urged to have a heart for hens

February 12th, 2016
Just in time for Valentine’s Day SAFE is asking supermarket giant  Countdown to ‘show the hens some love’ by phasing out the sale of all  cage eggs. The animal advocacy organisation, joined by TV personality  and entrepreneur, Suzanne Paul, will be asking people to sign a message  on behalf of...

Five ways to make your sweetie swoon

February 4th, 2016
As animal lovers, every day we show we care through the choices we  make and by taking a stand against the exploitation of animals. But after a long day of activism, some of us (including me!) are  guilty of not always showering our (human) loved ones with enough  affection. With...

Animal campaigners to demand action from Government

December 18th, 2015
Animal campaigners led by SAFE are furious that there is still no progress from the government and no sign that anything will change, following the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) being alerted to appalling treatment of dairy calves. The abuse was brought to light in an exposé that rocked the...

Call for independent voice for animals

December 7th, 2015
Animal campaigners are outraged that the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has still failed to take action against an animal-abusing slaughterhouse and are calling for a major overhaul of the Ministry. On 14th September SAFE filed a complaint with MPI regarding the brutal treatment of bobby calves and provided damning...

Ground-breaking animal law change comes into effect

December 3rd, 2015
Campaigners are celebrating the end of sow stalls as one of the greatest victories to ever occur in animal rights in New Zealand, saying today marks the last day that pigs will ever have to suffer in the cruel crates – assuming farmers comply with the law that comes into...

Explosive investigation exposes dairy industry cruelty

November 29th, 2015
New Zealand dairy industry reputation in tatters after revelations of shocking animal abuse. Animal advocacy organisations SAFE and Farmwatch are calling on New Zealand and international consumers to ditch dairy following an explosive and comprehensive investigation into animal cruelty in the New Zealand dairy industry. The investigation reveals inherent cruelty...

Safe and locals kicking up a stink over bad eggs

November 25th, 2015
SAFE is joining Patumahoe locals to oppose the proposed building  of a caged-hen farm in South Auckland. Craddock Farms has been seeking  consent to build the factory farm for the past two years, but has been  denied resource consents on the grounds of odour likely to affect its  neighbours. The...

Parliament vigil mourns rodeo cruelty

October 29th, 2015
Parliament witnessed an eye catching vigil today, held on behalf of two bulls that died in rodeo last year and all animals that will suffer stress and fear this season. A wide range of animal supporters showed up to take a stand for animals, and called for an end to...

Live cattle export to Indonesia disaster for animals

July 15th, 2015
Government moves to export live cattle to Indonesia will see horrific  suffering of New Zealand animals says animal advocacy group SAFE. New  Zealand’s intentions to invest in cattle breeding programs in Indonesia  could see a large number of New Zealand cattle exported to a country  known for its brutal slaughter...
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