News Blog Articles Litigation


What’s Wrong with Rodeo in NZ?

What’s Wrong with Rodeo in NZ?

July 8th, 2022
I filmed my first rodeo, solo, in 2013. These events were held on beautiful sunny days, with country music playing, relaxed crowds and announcers cracking jokes. I sat up on the bank while kids ran about, hot chips were eaten and people chatted and laughed. Stop right there, and this...
NZALA & SAFE to challenge the legality of Rodeo in NZ

NZALA & SAFE to challenge the legality of Rodeo in NZ

June 2nd, 2022
In 2019, The New Zealand Animals Law Association (NZALA) and SAFE partnered for the first time to seek legal justice for animals in Aotearoa, and we won, with the High Court delivering a damning judgement, ruling that farrowing crates and mating stalls for pigs were unlawful. Now, we are partnering...
SAFE’s historic court case – How can we uphold our animal welfare laws in the future?

SAFE’s historic court case – How can we uphold our animal welfare laws in the future?

May 21st, 2020
Paris Waterworth is SAFE’s Campaigns Assistant and resident legal expert. She was admitted to the bar in 2019. In this series, Paris will be demystifying legal processes and shedding light on how court proceedings can translate into real-world justice for animals like mother pigs. On 8 June SAFE and the...
SAFE’s historic court case – Understanding the Animal Welfare Act 1999

SAFE’s historic court case – Understanding the Animal Welfare Act 1999

May 6th, 2020
Paris Waterworth is SAFE’s Campaigns Assistant and resident legal expert. She was admitted to the bar in 2019. In this series, Paris will be demystifying legal processes and shedding light on how court proceedings can translate into real-world justice for animals like mother pigs. The Animal Welfare Act 1999 is...
SAFE’s historic court case – Who are the key players?

SAFE’s historic court case – Who are the key players?

April 24th, 2020
Paris Waterworth is SAFE’s Campaigns Assistant and resident legal expert. She was admitted to the bar in 2019. In this series, Paris will be demystifying legal processes and shedding light on how court proceedings can translate into real-world justice for animals like mother pigs. For the first time in New...
SAFE’s historic court case – Demystifying the legal process

SAFE’s historic court case – Demystifying the legal process

April 16th, 2020
Paris Waterworth is SAFE’s Campaigns Assistant and resident legal expert. She was admitted to the bar in 2019. In this series, Paris will be demystifying legal processes and shedding light on how court proceedings can translate into real-world justice for animals like mother pigs. SAFE and the New Zealand Animal...
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As a charity, SAFE is reliant on the support of caring people like you to carry out our valuable work. Every gift goes towards providing education, undertaking research and campaigning for the benefit of all animals. SAFE is a registered charity in New Zealand (CC 40428). Contributions of $5 or more are tax-deductible.