Our work Animals & Us education
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” - Aristotle

Learn. Teach. Inspire

Interested in learning about animal rights? All you need to know is right here at your fingertips. Explore over 70 lessons and 250 multimedia resources in the Animals & Us resource hub.

Start thinking about animals

Growing Compassion

Developing values of respect, empathy and responsibility

Advancing Knowledge

Exploring, understanding, and becoming aware of the lives and needs of other animals

Thinking Critically

Considering and questioning our different attitudes and values towards animals

Strengthening Skills

Developing new competencies that will create a better future for all animals.

Animals & Us Education involves a focus on the cultural and social interactions between humans and animals

Examples of these interactions include:

  • The Arts - animals as inspiration.
  • Economics - animals as products.
  • Politics - animals as possessions or sources of power.
  • Scientific - animals as tools.
  • Environmental - animals as heritage and nature.
  • Personal - animals as companions.
  • Social/cultural - animals as entertainment.
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Help us continue helping animals in need

As a charity, SAFE is reliant on the support of caring people like you to carry out our valuable work. Every gift goes towards providing education, undertaking research and campaigning for the benefit of all animals. SAFE is a registered charity in New Zealand (CC 40428). Contributions of $5 or more are tax-deductible.