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Legal setback for animal welfare: SAFE and NZALA stand against Government’s mud farming policy changes

On 23 April 2024, the Government announced that it planned to repeal national intensive winter grazing regulations through amendments to the Resource Management Act 1991.  SAFE has previously highlighted the devastating effects intensive winter grazing (also known as mud farming) can have on animal welfare. If this legislation is enacted,...

Bird flu: An animal welfare and biosecurity disaster

The spread of bird flu, which has led to the killing of tens of millions of farmed birds globally, prompts us to examine the role of intensive animal farming in zoonotic disease outbreaks, and rethink our entire relationship with animals.  What is bird flu?  Bird flu is a contagious disease...

Agright’s proposal for large-scale chicken farms an impending animal welfare and biosecurity disaster

SAFE (Save Animals from Exploitation) is urgently calling on the Government to intercept two intensive chicken farms proposed for Waikato, which would see nearly a half a million birds enduring confinement in overcrowded conditions, with avian influenza looming large. Read more