

Shocking new rodeo footage shows animals continue to suffer

January 23rd, 2017
New video evidence filmed at the Mid Northern rodeo in Whangarei this month demonstrates the brutality of rodeo events, says SAFE.  Animals were filmed clearly fearful and stressed, as well as being deliberately shocked with an electric prod. The investigation shows that animal welfare is severely compromised at rodeo events....

On breastfeeding and dairy products

January 20th, 2017
Guest blogger FLIP GRATER is a singer-songwriter from Christchurch with many albums to her credit. She is also a published author of  vegetarian travel cookbooks and an avid foodie. Her harrowing song  ‘Where’s the Door’ featured in two of SAFE’s television ads to help  caged pigs and hens. The SAFE...

Countdown customers for cage-free

January 13th, 2017
We know Countdown’s customers care about hens  and want the supermarket giant to stop selling all cage eggs. Now people  of all ages have put their message in writing, telling Countdown their  personal reason why they want cage-free, and snapped a photo for a new website. Countdown’s parent company, Woolworths,...

Old-fashioned messages for old-fashioned thinking

January 6th, 2017
New Zealanders don’t like hens being kept in  cages. We know that and you know that, but it seemed Countdown still  didn’t want to listen. It was time they REALLY understood, so caring  Kiwis decided to take their message to them in a slightly different way  and ask them to...

Help Quinn and help end rodeo

January 5th, 2017
Guest blogger Carolyn Press-McKenzie is the founder and CEO of HUHA (Helping You Help Animals),  New Zealand’s leading ‘no kill’ shelter. HUHA actively works every day  to find homes and foster care for a multitude of homeless, abandoned,  seized and abused animals. Quinn is just one of thousands of animals...

Pig farmers deliberately breaking law

January 4th, 2017
New Zealand prides itself on its animal welfare  reputation, yet evidence shows the minimum legal standards for care are  not even being met in some circumstances, with the New Zealand pork  industry refusing to give sows nesting material before they give birth. They are ignoring government advice that they need to do so. Sows...
Calf tests do nothing to promote good welfare

Calf tests do nothing to promote good welfare

December 21st, 2016
In the article ‘Kiwi research explores emotions in farm animals’ (New Zealand Herald, Monday 19 December 2016), scientist Gosia Zobel  discusses her work conducting trials into the emotional state of dairy  calves, commenting on one test that: “The level of anticipation at the  sight of the flashing light, and the...

Veganuary going global – helping animals one meal at a time

December 21st, 2016
New Zealanders are encouraged to try eating vegan this January as part of a worldwide movement called Veganuary, says SAFE.   The organisation is urging Kiwis to make their New Year’s resolution count by taking part in a vegan challenge that is better for animals and the environment, and contributes to good health....

Animal experimentation figures do not show reality of animal tests

December 12th, 2016
The Ministry for Primary Industries has today released figures  on the numbers of animals used for research, testing and teaching in  2015. It was reported that 225,310 animals were used, over 4,300 per  week; a drop from the 310,287 used in 2014. The animals experimented on  included cows, mice, rabbits,...

Infomercial star says new colony eggs not all they are cracked up to be

November 23rd, 2016
Suzanne Paul, well known entrepreneur, TV personality and presenter, has joined with animal advocacy organisation SAFE to produce a spoof video explaining New Zealand’s new colony cage system for layer hens. Using her natural humour and personality she shows what life is like for hens in the colony cages. Named...

Protestors rally in opposition to rodeo decision

November 10th, 2016
Today, November 10, members of the public outraged by the  government’s deliberate inaction on rodeo will be joined by SAFE,  Farmwatch and Green Party MP Mojo Mathers outside Parliament to rally  against the continued abuse of animals.  The Primary Production Select Committee this week responded to the  62,000 strong petition...

Animal welfare organisations disappointed with rodeo decision

November 7th, 2016
The Government’s announcement today that no action will be taken  to ban rodeo, following a 62,000-strong petition from New Zealanders,  has angered leading animal welfare organisations.    SAFE is calling the process a big disappointment, both for animals and  the public who, the organisation says, made it clear that they...

“Intercontinental Hotels Group latest company to go cage-free in New Zealand, and globally”

November 5th, 2016
InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG®), one of the world’s  leading hotel companies, has announced they will use only cage-free eggs  worldwide by 2025. IHG operates seven hotels in New Zealand under the  Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza and InterContinental brands.   This latest announcement is part of a worldwide movement to free...

Dead calves cover the length of New Zealand

November 1st, 2016
‘DROP DAIRY’ – these words are now plastered on an eye-catching billboard that has gone up in a high visibility location on Auckland’s Hobson Street today.  Approximately two million ‘bobby’ calves are killed at a few days old in New Zealand, and if their bodies were placed end to end,...
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As a charity, SAFE is reliant on the support of caring people like you to carry out our valuable work. Every gift goes towards providing education, undertaking research and campaigning for the benefit of all animals. SAFE is a registered charity in New Zealand (CC 40428). Contributions of $5 or more are tax-deductible.