

Extreme confinement: The questionable role of the farrowing crate in New Zealand’s future

Extreme confinement: The questionable role of the farrowing crate in New Zealand’s future

July 31st, 2018
In New Zealand, approximately 16,000 mother pigs (sows)  are each confined to cages that allow them only the space to take one  step forward or backward, for up to five weeks at a time, two to three  times a year. Many of these crates were installed when pigs  were physically...

‘Let’s Do This.’ Calls on Labour to uphold election promise

July 26th, 2018
A live pig will be attending a rally on Parliament steps at midday on 26 July, representing the 16,000 mother pigs being confined in so-called ‘farrowing crates’. She will be joined by veterinarian Rosalind Holland, Green MP Gareth Hughes and other caring New Zealanders, all pushing Labour to uphold its...

‘Pigs are great. Ban the crate.’ Calls on Labour to uphold election promise

July 26th, 2018
Today a live pig, Princess Buttercup, joined the rally on Parliament steps, representing the 16,000 mother pigs being confined in so called ‘farrowing crates’. Buttercup was joined by veterinarian Rosalind Holland, Green MP Gareth Hughes and other caring New Zealanders, all pushing Labour to uphold its election promise and ban...
MPI whitewash leaves a dirty stain on NZ’s reputation

MPI whitewash leaves a dirty stain on NZ’s reputation

July 18th, 2018
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has, yet again, let animals down by giving a green-light to the Timaru pig farm exposed last week for breaking the law. Footage obtained by Farmwatch volunteer investigators, which caused outrage nationwide, shows that the farm was keeping pigs in illegal sow stalls – banned...

MPI Whitewash leaves a dirty stain on New Zealand’s reputation

July 16th, 2018
SAFE is outraged to learn that the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has, yet again, let animals down by giving a green-light to the Timaru pig farm exposed last week for breaking the law. Footage obtained by Farmwatch volunteer investigators shows that the farm was keeping pigs in illegal sow...
Over 75% of Kiwis think farrowing crates cause suffering

Over 75% of Kiwis think farrowing crates cause suffering

July 12th, 2018
A new nationwide poll conducted by Horizon Research has shown that just over three in four New Zealanders felt that the statement, “The use of farrowing crates can cause suffering to sows and it is not worth causing this suffering when there are alternative systems,” was closest to their own views...
Demands for Labour to uphold pre-election promise, as pig farm caught flouting the law

Demands for Labour to uphold pre-election promise, as pig farm caught flouting the law

July 12th, 2018
Shocking new footage has been released by SAFE showing pregnant pigs confined in sow stalls. The use of these metal cages has been banned since 2015. “Contrary to claims made today by NZ Pork, we have evidence that these cages were used as ‘sow stalls’, rather than so-called ‘mating stalls,” says...
Animals still suffer in experiments

Animals still suffer in experiments

July 10th, 2018
Figures released by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) today show an increase in the numbers of animals suffering in experiments, with over a quarter of a million animals used in 2016. Over 8500 of the animals, mostly rodents and rabbits, were used in extremely painful experiments. SAFE chief executive...
Minister dodges questions as farm exposé reaches Parliament

Minister dodges questions as farm exposé reaches Parliament

July 10th, 2018
This week in the house, Green Party MP Gareth Hughes asked the Associate Minister of Agriculture Hon Meka Whaitiri what the Ministry is doing to help protect animals. This comes after an exposé on a Northland farm revealed the failure of the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) when it comes to animal...
The impossible burgergate debate

The impossible burgergate debate

July 6th, 2018
Impossible Burgergate is currently happening in little ole  Aotearoa and it’s dividing the country. One might ask how Air New  Zealand’s announcement that they will be serving the Impossible Burger  on some of their LAX flights has caused such a commotion? Not me. It’s  easy to see what is happening...

Fonterra and DairyNZ called to protect whistleblowers

July 4th, 2018
Fonterra and DairyNZ have today been contacted by SAFE asking them to urgently put in place a protection scheme for farm cruelty whistleblowers. A whistleblower protection programme would encourage people to come forward with legitimate complaints of cruelty and law-breaking, and make it easy for them to do so. We...
New framework shows Minister hopeful, but out of touch with NZ’s Animal Welfare Act

New framework shows Minister hopeful, but out of touch with NZ’s Animal Welfare Act

July 3rd, 2018
Associate Minister of Agriculture Meka Whaitiri has great hopes for the future of animal welfare. On Friday she released her Framework for Action on Animal Welfare. It was published after SAFE and Farmwatch’s dairy exposé last week. The Framework focuses on four areas: Independent Voice, Transparency, Strengthening Codes and Capacity Building. While...
Shocking body pit found on Northland farm at centre of bashing

Shocking body pit found on Northland farm at centre of bashing

July 2nd, 2018
New footage shows a pit of bodies on the Northland dairy farm at the centre of last week’s bashing exposé. It is sadly commonplace for farms to have so-called ‘offal pits’ containing the bodies of animals that have been killed or have died. We believe the pit was not examined by...
More whistleblowers emerge as animal cruelty footage released

More whistleblowers emerge as animal cruelty footage released

June 29th, 2018
After disturbing footage of animal abuse on a Northland dairy farm was released yesterday, we are demanding that the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) be stripped of its animal welfare responsibilities and an independent Animal Welfare Ministry be set up. “The Ministry needs to explain why they failed to act...
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