News Blog Articles 2018 – A year in review

2018 – A year in review

December 19th, 2018

Thank you from the whole team at SAFE!

Thank you for your support for New Zealand’s animals this year. Together we are a strong force for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Without a doubt SAFE’s campaign to ban cruel farrowing crates has had a huge impact in 2018 and captured the hearts and minds of caring Kiwis. We were privileged to attend a meeting with the Primary Production Select Committee in October and present them with strong scientific evidence showing why farrowing crates should be banned. 

We’ve also lifted the lid on New Zealand’s horrific chicken farming industry. What goes on in chicken farms is rarely seen and the big names that sell chickens bred for meat aren’t accurately representing what they’re selling. 

SAFE’s cage-free campaigning continues to be a success, with many large brands including Mobil and Robert Harris committing this year to a cage-free egg policy.

Our popular Animals & Us and SAFE Animal Squad children’s education programmes have grown in leaps and bounds, and there are exciting new developments on the horizon for 2019 – so watch this space! 

Eat Kind continues to engage with our communities and share the 100% Vegetarian Challenge with those wanting to make NZ a better place for all animals, one meal at a time. 

None of the progress for animals we’ve seen in 2018 would be possible without you – SAFE’s amazing supporters who generously give your time, donations, and voice to campaigns for animals. 

Thank you for all your support for animals this year!


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As a charity, SAFE is reliant on the support of caring people like you to carry out our valuable work. Every gift goes towards providing education, undertaking research and campaigning for the benefit of all animals. SAFE is a registered charity in New Zealand (CC 40428). Contributions of $5 or more are tax-deductible.