

Political Panel for Animals exceeded expectations

Political Panel for Animals exceeded expectations

July 24th, 2020
Last night’s Political Panel for Animals far exceeded my expectations. After seeing it, I am more optimistic than ever that we will get a win on colony cages ‒ if we keep pushing. It wasn’t the politicians that had me so excited. It was the little things. When it comes...

Protest at the Canadian High Commission, Wellington – SAFE

July 22nd, 2020
On Friday, animal rights activists from all around the country, representing various New Zealand Animal Save Movement chapters, as well as guests from SAFE New Zealand and Direct Action Everywhere New Zealand, will be protesting the Canadian High Commission in Wellington, demanding accountability for the death of Animal Save activist...

The dairy industry’s failings, and rescuing animals with Shawn Bishop

July 21st, 2020
A bad couple of weeks for the dairy industry. We cover some of the latest current affairs, including the light sentencing of animal abuser Mike Luke, as well as a Dairy Industry Award winner who was stripped of his title due to profane and disrespectful t

Political panel for animals 2020 convened – SAFE NZ

July 16th, 2020
With only two months left until the general election, SAFE has convened a political panel to discuss the most pertinent issues facing animals in Aotearoa New Zealand today. The panellists will include Hon Damien O’Connor, MP (Labour), Hon David Bennett, MP (National), Gareth Hughes, MP (Greens) and Mark Patterson, MP...

Live export company lobbying for baby calf exports

July 14th, 2020
In an article published last week in Farmers Weekly, Australian live animal export company Austrex NZ advocated for the export of four-day old calves as an alternative to being ‘tapped on the head,’ referring to the use of a blunt force trauma. SAFE Campaigns Manager Marianne Macdonald said the export...

Top farmer’s tweets drag dairy industry through the dirt

July 13th, 2020
Nick Bertram was named Share Farmer of the Year on Saturday. OPINION: When Tararua sharemilker Nick Bertram was crowned 2020 Share Farmer of the Year, nobody could have predicted how quickly his victory would turn sour – except the judges who awarded him the title. Read more

Dairy farmer stripped of national title after offensive tweets surface

July 13th, 2020
Share Farmer of the Year Nick Bertram has been stripped of his award. Tararua dairy farmer Nick Bertram says he is a victim of “cancel culture” after being stripped of his Share Farmer of the Year title over a series of offensive tweets. Bertram and his wife, Rose, took out...

SAFE’s reaction to NZDIA’s decision to revoke share farmer title over social media comments

July 10th, 2020
SAFE CEO Debra Ashton says “The NZDIA has done the right thing, and we’re glad to see Bertram has been held to account over his actions. He should take this as an opportunity to right his wrongs and show that he takes animal welfare seriously.” “However, the award organisers should...

Calls to ban ‘inherently cruel’ duck shooting ahead of opening weekend

July 10th, 2020
With this year’s duck shooting season starting on Saturday, an animal rights group says 200,000 birds will be maimed and left to die in agony over the course of the season. But hunters have defended the sport, insisting the group’s “numbers simply don’t add up” and do not reflect reality....

Anger at Winston Peters’ ‘make racing great again’ leads to petition against Government funding for racing industry

July 10th, 2020
As the racing industry continues to toast a mega-million dollar financial shot in the arm, New Zealand animal welfare groups are outraged, shocked and angry over the taxpayer-funded bailout. As strange as it sounds given New Zealand is facing so many post-Covid-19 issues, the racing support package – announced by...

The real price of eating pork

July 10th, 2020
A case over the treatment of pigs in New Zealand will be in court in less than two weeks. Pat Baskett takes a look at the potential impacts of the outcome. Phoebe was a pig I wrote about some years ago. Her life was a misery. She lived in a...

Fight for better protection of pigs goes to the High Court

July 10th, 2020
Two animal welfare organisations have gone to court to improve the protection of pigs. File image. Photo: 123RF One of them is SAFE, or Save Animals from Exploitation, which is renowned for its high profile campaigns against the like of abuse of bobby calves and keeping chickens in cages. Read...

Cows in mud: Photos reignite winter cropping debate

July 10th, 2020
Photos allegedly taken by a Fiordland resident and supplied by Safe show cows in mud-filled paddocks with no shelter. Photos of cows in muddy conditions show the “outrageous failure” by officials to act on winter grazing practices, an animal rights group says. Read more

‘An outrageous failure’: New photos spark fresh debate over winter grazing

July 10th, 2020
The issue of winter grazing is back in the spotlight after an animal rights group released photos of cows in mud on Thursday. SAFE accused the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) of “an outrageous failure” to enforce rules aimed at protecting stock. Read more
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