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Are animal products putting your health at risk?

One New Zealander dies from heart disease every 90 minutes. This alarming statistic, along with New Zealand having one of the highest rates of obesity in the world and over 200,000 New Zealanders diagnosed with diabetes, clearly shows that our diets need to change.

Nourish your body on plants

A wholefood, plant-based diet is the perfect recipe for a long and healthy life. Discover how nutritious, rewarding and delicious it can be to nourish your body with nutrient-dense plant foods.

What does the science say?

Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems

Leading scientists from all corners of the world are outlining the benefits of a global dietary shift towards a plant-based diet, for both human health and for the environment.

The power of whole plant foods

A Gisborne-based study revealed the power of a plant-based wholefood diet for those at risk of or already suffering from type 2 diabetes. There were large reductions in body weights of patients and lessening of medication requirements – with some eliminating their need for insulin altogether.

Healthy, climate-friendly Kiwi diets

A University of Otago study looked at the transition towards a healthier, climate-friendly food system in a New Zealand context. Their findings? If more Kiwis adopted plant-based diets, we could expect substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions while greatly improving population health and saving the healthcare system billions of dollars in the coming decades.

Did you know?

Fish and shellfish readily absorb heavy metals and other contaminants. These pollutants and toxins can accumulate in human cells, causing an array of health conditions.

Chicken meat contains nearly as much cholesterol as red meat. New Zealand chicken farms routinely use antibiotics in the birds’ feed, to prevent outbreaks of disease caused by severe overcrowding and the unhygienic conditions.

Dairy products have been shown to have little to no benefit for bone strength. Dairy foods are also high in cholesterol and saturated fat. They can increase the risk of children developing obesity, type-1 diabetes and heart disease and have been linked to the onset of prostate, ovarian, lung and breast cancers.

Eggs aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. They contain no dietary fibre and are loaded with saturated fats and cholesterol. It’s no wonder that eggs can increase the risk of stroke and heart disease. Consuming as few as three or more eggs per week increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Red meat has long been associated with various cancers, as well as an increase in the risk of type 2 diabetes. The World Health Organisation declared red and processed meats “carcinogenic to humans,” observing an increased risk for pancreatic, stomach and other cancers.

The good news?

You can make a positive difference to your health, the planet and animals, all in your own kitchen.

Fish-friendly sushi bowl
Chicken-free satay bowl
Dairy-free cheese sauce
Egg-free tofu scramble
Meat-free shepherd’s pie
Tempeh bacon
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