

Two year ban for Tokoroa greyhound owner who used human drugs to treat dog

September 19th, 2022
A Tokoroa greyhound owner who tried to treat a dog with leftover human antibiotics, leading to it being put down, has been banned from the sport for two years. The only treatment the female breeding greyhound Jetsun Singer (Carrie) received for full thickness pressure ulcers on both hip areas was...

Greyhound with untreated pressure ulcers euthanised

September 16th, 2022
A greyhound trainer has been disqualified for two years for failing to seek treatment for a greyhound. It’s another example that shows the racing industry is still failing to protect dogs. During an audit on 27 June 2022, Racing Integrity Board inspectors found Jetsun Singer suffering from pressure ulcers, which...
Foetal Bovine Serum: Your Questions Answered
Image supplied by Taranaki Animal Save

Foetal Bovine Serum: Your Questions Answered

September 15th, 2022
Behind slaughterhouse doors, mother cows are being killed during pregnancy with the blood from their unborn calves drained to produce foetal bovine serum (FBS). The meat and dairy industries want to grow the market for foetal calf blood to capitalise on its value, and the serum industry claims that FBS...

Do you know who to call? Whistleblowers, witnesses and wading through mud

September 8th, 2022
After a brief hiatus, Will Appelbe and Courtney White are back behind the mic's! This week they unveil 0800 EXPOSE, SAFE's newest programme aiming to assist those who have witnessed animal cruelty to report it, safely. They also discuss the call for McDon

Animal Welfare amidst a delay to Winter Grazing Regulations w/ Emma Brodie: September 5, 2022

September 5th, 2022
[00:00:07] Federated Farmers, DairyNZ and Beef + Lamb NZ want intensive winter grazing regulations delayed again yet again. [00:00:14] Intensive winter grazing regulations were meant to come into effect in May 2021 but were initially delayed until May 2022, only to be further delayed to November 2022. Again, this has...

The greyhound racing industry is on its last legs – let’s speed up its demise

September 1st, 2022
Virginia Fallon is a Stuff senior writer and columnist based in Wellington. OPINION: When it comes to disingenuous slogans, the one used by Greyhound Racing NZ is a banger. “We love our dogs. They love to race,” is the motto adopted by the industry, which is about as perplexing as...

Govt urged to ignore plea to delay winter grazing reforms again

August 31st, 2022
Animal welfare group SAFE has released footage of cows in muddy conditions just weeks after industry groups asked the government to delay new winter grazing rules. A screenshot from footage shot at various farms during winter. Photo: SAFE screenshot Regulations to better control the effects of intensive winter grazing were...

Two trainers banned from greyhound racing after leaving dogs in ‘abhorrent’ conditions

August 26th, 2022
Two trainers have been banned from greyhound racing for two years for seriously mistreating dogs at their Taranaki property. Inspectors found the greyhounds living in what they called “abhorrent” conditions and the case has reignited calls for greyhound racing to be banned. Read more

Calls for Manukau Sports Bowl to be converted for athletics

August 26th, 2022
[00:00:00] An animal rights groups calling on the community to support a controversial code switch at a South Auckland racetrack. [00:00:06] The Manukau Sports Bowl is currently home to greyhound racing, but the lease is up for renewal in December. [00:00:12] Clearing the way for what SAFE [Save Animals From...

MPI looking into death of sheep on Canterbury property

August 10th, 2022
The Ministry for Primary Industries received two animal welfare complaints about the Templeton property in July. (File photo) Officials are looking into the cause of death of several sheep found in gorse bushes on a Canterbury property. Animal rights group Safe said it notified the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)...

The legal challenge behind rodeos in NZ

July 12th, 2022
NZALA & SAFE are challenging the legality of rodeo in Aotearoa, arguing rodeo rules under the Animal Welfare Act are unlawful, causing unnecessary pain to animals. 7.10 –  JENNY MAY CLARKSON … it could see an end to rodeos in this country – animal rights advocate kits are in the...

Rodeo legal challenge heard in High Court

July 12th, 2022
Animal rights advocates have argued rodeos are unlawful in the High Court in Wellington. “We’ve petitioned, we’ve protested, we’ve really made our call heard very, very loudly,” SAFE chief executive Debra Ashton said. The New Zealand Animal Law Association and SAFE are seeking to show rodeo practices breach the Animal...

Three people including two greyhound trainers charged after two dogs test positive for methamphetamine

June 16th, 2022
Three people, including two greyhound trainers, have been charged after two dogs racing in separate events tested positive for methamphetamine. The greyhound industry believes they’re cases of “accidental contamination” and blames Aotearoa’s wider issue with meth. Read more

Live Export Rules w/ Debra Ashton

June 15th, 2022
[00:00:07] Next up, a tragic drowning occurred on Sunday as an overladen ship crammed with 15,800 sheep capsized off Sudan’s Red Sea coast. [00:00:16] Today, I spoke with Debra Ashton, CEO of SAFE [Save Animals From Exploitation], the nation’s leading animal rights organisation, about the matter and the state of...
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