Recipes Sauces and dips

Sauces and dips Recipes

Vegan tartare sauce

Vegan tartare sauce

Whizz all of the ingredients (except the gherkins, capers and oil) together in a blender until smooth. VERY slowly add the oil while continuing to blend, to avoid separation. Stir through the chopped capers and gherkins. Store in a glass jar in the fridge for up to two weeks.
The BEST aquafaba aioli

The BEST aquafaba aioli

Whizz all of the ingredients (except the oil) together in a blender until smooth. VERY slowly add the oil while continuing to blend, to avoid separation. Store in a glass jar in the fridge for up to two weeks.
Vegan hollandaise

Vegan hollandaise

Soak the cashews either overnight in cold water or for 15 minutes in boiling water. Blend all the ingredients together until smooth. Enjoy! Head here for the tofu scramble recipe!
Creamy citrus dressing

Creamy citrus dressing

Add all the ingredients to a small bowl and mix until creamy and combined. If you prefer a thinner dressing, add a little more orange juice as needed. Serve immediately or refrigerate and use for up to a week.
Three bean hummus

Three bean hummus

Measure all the ingredients into a food processor. Pulse until smooth. Adjust flavour with salt and lemon juice. Empty into a bowl and refrigerate for 1 to 3 hours, covered. Drizzle over a little olive oil and sprinkle with smoked paprika. Serve with warmed pita.
Animal-friendly Aioli

Animal-friendly Aioli

This mayo is great with roast veggies, falafels, fritters, burgers, burritos, crisps, salads or on sandwiches. It can be used as a dip or a dressing. Put the garlic, soy milk, mustard, salt and pepper in a blender and blend for 20 seconds. You can also use a stick blender...
Mushroom Paté

Mushroom Paté

Sauté tempeh, onion, celery and garlic in oil over medium heat until tender. Add mushrooms and sauté for a further 5 minutes. Stir in remaining ingredients and cook over low heat until the liquid is absorbed. Allow to cool for about an hour. Place in a blender and process until...
Cashew Nut Gravy

Cashew Nut Gravy

Set aside 1 C of hot water. Put all the other ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth, about 5 minutes, then add remaining water. Pour into a pan and heat until thickened. Serve immediately.
Vegan cheese sauce

Vegan cheese sauce

Steam the cauliflower until tender. Keep approximately 1-2 cups of the cooking water. Place the cauliflower in a blender with tahini, lemon juice, nutritional yeast, salt, olive oil, turmeric and mustard. Add just a little of the reserved cooking water as needed, in order to blend your cheese sauce into...
Tahini Sauce

Tahini Sauce

This simple tahini sauce pairs perfectly with noodles, pasta, brown rice and steamed or roasted vegetables Add tahini, tamari, water, sugar, rice vinegar, chilli sauce, dijon mustard, salt and pepper to a blender and wiz together until smooth and creamy.
Cashew Nut Cream

Cashew Nut Cream

This cream can be used as a pizza topping, in baked dishes like casseroles, thinned into a salad dressing, or anywhere you may have added a savoury cream sauce. Strain the cashews, then add cashews and fresh water to a blender or food processer and blend until smooth. Then, add...
Mexican hot fudge sauce

Mexican hot fudge sauce

In a saucepan, heat the coconut cream until it starts to simmer. Remove from heat and add the agave or syrup, and pieces of dark chocolate. Stir until melted. Stir in the Kahlua, cinnamon and vanilla. Taste and adjust sweetness level to your liking. If not using right away, pour...
Mushroom Miso Gravy

Mushroom Miso Gravy

Heat 1 Tbsp oil in large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and sauté 5-7 minutes, or until soft and translucent. Stir in carrots and celery and cook 7-10 minutes or until tender. Stir in potato and corn, and cook 5-7 minutes, or until most liquid has evaporated. Add garlic,...
Caramelised Onion Cranberry Sauce

Caramelised Onion Cranberry Sauce

Makes 2 cups Slow-cooked onions lend extra sweetness to a sauce made with dried cranberries. The sauce itself is less jelly-like than traditional cranberry sauces, but it still delivers that bright, tart taste.  Combine dried cranberries and wine in a glass measuring cup or other non-reactive container. Cover, and let...
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